Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blue Angels go Dark

Anyone try to catch the Blue Angels last weekend in San Francisco? Having lived in the Bay Area most of my life I thought it was about time to see them, so I drove up to the City and decided that Baker's Beach might offer a good vantage point. Ever optimistic, I could tell that the fog had pretty much come to stay for the afternoon but I soldiered on and made my way to Baker's Beach. There were only a few small groups of people there, including two separate wedding parties attempting to pose in their wedding duds with the Golden Gate Bridge as their backdrop. The theme of these photo sessions must have been Murphy's Law, as not only had the fog blocked out any trace of afternoon sun, but the winds were in the 35mph range. The icing on the wedding cake had to be the one brief pass that the Blue Angels made, only to disappear for good, leaving thousands of spectators wondering where they'd gone (back to SFO, actually). However, this exercise in futility was shaded a bit by my own discovery that Baker's Beach is actually a designated nudist beach, regardless of the weather. So on the rocks nearest the GG Bridge were a severely windblown bride-to-be and her aides, being photographed in an effort to achieve a G-rated version of a bodice-ripper novel. While on my right were two older men leaning against the lee side of the rocks, and a third man taking a nap on the sand, just over on the other side of these rocks, with everything on display that, personally, I never want to see again. The oddest part was that a few dozen hikers made their way past the three men as if these guys were not completely naked, sprawled on the sand, and exposing themselves to the winds and 50 degree chill. It wasn't until I was thawing out on my drive back down the Peninsula that I realized that no women nudists were on the beach, just the men. So, just where does freedom of expression end and common sense begin?

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